How To Introduce Yourself In An Interview

Congrats on landing an interview! Let’s do one final walk-through to make sure you’re all set.

Have you….

Researched your interviewer?

Printed copies of your resume?

Rehearsed your answer to the “tell me about yourself question”?

Prepared your questions for your interviewer?

Picked a few ways to make yourself memorable?

Jan 12, 2017 SEE ARTICLE

How to prepare for the 4 questions that will catch you off guard during a salary negotiation

After interviewing dozens of women, I learned that one of the main reasons their negotiations didn't go as planned was they weren't prepared to respond to what the other person said. To make sure that doesn't happen to you, read on for the most common things you'll hear and tips for how to respond…

Jan 3, 2017 SEE ARTICLE

51 enterprise startups to bet your career on in 2017

With the 2016 holiday in full swing and the year drawing to a close, our thoughts will soon drift to our hopes and goals for 2017.

For those who are dreaming of a new job at an up-and-coming young company, we've compiled this list to help.

Dec 6, 2016SEE ARTICLE

Think You’re Ready for that BIG Presentation?

I’ve been fortunate enough to have had opportunities to present to large audiences before. I say fortunate because I find the process to be exciting and a lot of fun. And if you’re a good SE, it’s only a matter of time before you end up speaking to a group of 100 people or more too. So how do you best prepare when that inevitable situation arises? Here are my lessons learned…

April 27, 2016 SEE ARTICLE

Top 10 Podcasts For Sales Professionals and Leaders

Sales is hard.

Staying on top of your game – week in, week out – is tough. Staying positive after the 10th rejection, following up the same lead for the 20th time, losing a deal at the finish line… How do you keep going? Keep learning. Keep improving. Keep moving forward.

Feb 10, 2016 SEE ARTICLE

16 psychological tricks that will help you ace a job interview

To help you get into your interviewer’s head and learn what they want to see in a candidate, we rounded up a list of science-backed strategies to make yourself seem more likable, competent, and ultimately hirable.

Nov 11, 2015 SEE ARTICLE

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