The 10 Best Times to Switch Jobs

If you’re lucky to have a job, there are definite times when you should hold off from searching for a new one. But sometimes making a change makes sense. If you identify with any of these 10 scenarios, it might be time to plan your exit.

Mar 15, 2014 SEE ARTICLE

13 Surprising Things That Affect Whether You Get Hired

The hiring manager uses the interview to determine whether you’d be a good fit for the job. And you know the drill, so you arrive on time, dress impeccably, and answer all of their questions intelligently.

But there are many more small details that overtly or subconsciously affect the way you’re perceived. For example, does the time of your interview affect how you’re critiqued? Are you supposed to accept that cup of coffee they offer?

Jan 17, 2014 SEE ARTICLE

8 Things To Keep In Mind When You Have A Skype Job Interview

Having a good presence on video is more important than ever. More job interviewers want to see what you look like before meeting you, making Skype the next best thing.

Even prestigious schools, like Harvard Law School, are using Skype to screen applicants during the application process.

Career coach Barbara Pachter outlines how to conduct yourself on Skype in her latest book “The Essentials Of Business Etiquette.” We pulled out the most important tips to ensure you make it to the face-to-face interview.

Dec 1, 2013SEE ARTICLE

How Interviewers Really Decide Who To Hire

When evaluating candidates, most interviewers emphasize a candidate’s level of direct skills and experience, and the quality of the person’s interviewing presentation skills. From this, they make judgments about the candidate’s overall ability, team skills, work-ethic, resourcefulness, cultural fit, and future potential, among others. While these factors are useful indicators of on-the-job success, there’s a lot of guesswork involved when making the actual assessment.

For candidates who aren’t a perfect match on the skills side, or don’t possess the “right” interviewing personality, there are some ways to proactively shift the interviewer’s decision towards a more balanced assessment. It starts by recognizing that when interviewers make their assessments, they focus on just a few of these five sources of information.

Oct 21, 2013 SEE ARTICLE

5 Ways You’re Screwing Up A Job Opportunity Without Even Knowing It.

Remember that Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey movie, “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” in which Hudson purposely did wacky things to ditch McConaughey in the spirit of article research?

You might be similarly self-sabotaging your chances at a job.

If you follow these quick and easy steps, you too may put the kibosh on your candidacy before you even had a shot:

Oct 8, 2013SEE ARTICLE

10 Successful Entrepreneurs Reveal Their Top Interview Questions

Most job interviews fit a certain mold. You explain the position and company mission, ask a few questions, and decide whether the candidate’s skill set would fit within your organization.

But is there anything else you can do during the interview process to determine who’s truly the right fit for your team? To learn more, we asked 10 successful entrepreneurs to reveal their go-to interview questions — the ones that really weed out the good apples from the bad.

Sep 3, 2013 SEE ARTICLE

7 Brutally Honest Job Rejection Letters

Aug 18, 2013 SEE ARTICLE

30 Smart Answers To Tough Interview Questions

Tough interview questions are supposed to challenge job candidates and make them think on their feet.

This could make the typical job interview “the most harrowing forty-five minutes of your life,” writes Vicky Oliver in her book “301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions.”

But you can be prepared ahead of time. We’ve compiled some of the toughest interview questions from Oliver’s book — and how to answer them.

The below are excerpted from Oliver’s book:

Aug 9, 2013 SEE ARTICLE

Want to Hire the Best Candidate? Move Fast

Employers looking for the best talent can’t afford to move at their own pace during the hiring process, a new study finds.

Research from Top Echelon Network, a recruiter network of specialized search firms, found that the No. 1 reason candidates turn down a job offer is that the hiring company didn’t move quickly enough. Nearly 40 percent of those surveyed have rejected a job offer because they received an offer from another company before the other employer finished the hiring process.

Whatever the reason, you’ll want to be prepared.

Aug 5, 2013 SEE ARTICLE

Want to Land a Dream Hire? These Perks Actually Work

Which perks should you include in a job offer when you’re trying to nab a dream hire without a huge budget?

Fifteen member of the Young Entrepreneur Council — who are fighting for hires of their own — weigh in.

And no, most of these young stars don’t suggest offering a higher salary. Gen Y job seekers, they say, care about more than money.

Aug 5, 2013 SEE ARTICLE

15 Things You Should Never Put On Your Resume

How many times have you applied for a job and never heard back? You tell yourself, “They probably never saw it,” or, “Maybe I just wasn’t a good fit,” and you move on.

But, more likely, your resume just didn’t impress.

June 25, 2014 SEE ARTICLE

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